A couple of years ago I had what was to be a simple same day in and out surgery to remove a massive tumor. I woke up the next day with my Mom telling me I literally was bleeding to death after the surgery and almost died.
A few weeks after I kept hearing a song in my head; I tried to write this song so many times but the words weren't there. A client where I work, came to see me and told me her father committed suicide. I was trying to encourage her telling her I'm praying for her, and so many encouraging words. The next day I saw the ambulance taking her from the building she also tried to commit suicide. Thankfully she lived. I was so upset: thinking what didn't I say to truly encourage her so this song which was never really about me came to being. I started the production but its too important of a song it needs proper production. I started a kickstarter page because I'm doing everything with my own money. I don't have a video for any of my songs this is why I need your help.
Please visit my kickstarter page or donate by clicking the donate button on my website.
Thank you,
Much love!